Total Drama World Tour

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » August 3rd, 2010, 5:08 am

Total Drama World Tour: X-Ray-ted..! **


"The Am-AH-zon Race" pits the teams against the jungles of Peru .. and the members of Team Amazon against each other, resulting in what proves to be yet another tense (and highly-unusual) elimination ceremony.

The cast heads to Paris, France, next week .. but will the 'City of Love' be able to heal one player's now-broken heart..?
The story moves at a brisk clip .. yet, it still feels a bit like an 'incomplete' episode; as if this had perhaps originally been planned as a two-parter, which was then trimmed-down to just one episode. The challenges faced by the other two teams definitely seemed to take a 'back-seat' to the Amazons' misadventures.

It was very nice to see Team Victory actually victorious, for once! :D DJ and Lindsay were indeed a 'dynamic duo'. Loved the foreshadowed gag of "the best team everr" .. and their moment in the first-class cabin was long-deserved, and rather sweet.

Poor cute little monkeys, though..! :lol:

Alejandro's eye-patch provides a nice touch of 'evil' to his persona, this episode (as does Heather's gold tooth). His feud with Owen would seem to threaten his grander schemes to win the game, though .. Team CIRRRRH arguably lost the challenge this time entirely because Alejandro had let Owen 'get' to him.

Sierra's 'laptop'! :lol: The 'mouse-as-a-mouse' was funny .. but her desktop image was hilarious:


Gwen finally got several fun scenes in this episode (her main role thus far in the series had been simply to argue with Courtney and Heather). The team's horrified reaction to her initial optimism, her fruitless (and 'fruit-of-the-loom'-less!) search through Cody's pockets, and especially her facial 'tics' and sped-up speech caused by Cody's epi-pen, provided most of the episode's biggest laughs. :mrgreen:

But it was the elimination ceremony that marks this as a 'milestone' episode in the series. Not so much that it turned out to be a false-alarm -- but that the votes were revealed to all, and especially the fact that Cody had voted-off Sierra.

Sierra's self-confidence is now shattered .. and, arguably, that's the main 'asset' Team Amazon had going for it, in the early episodes; Sierra had been the decisive team-mate behind their wins in Egypt, Japan, and Germany.

Now Courtney, Gwen and Heather are gonna have to start working together -- and Cody's likely gonna have to come to terms with Sierra's feelings -- if they want to become a 'winning team' again.


** Not that this is 'x-rated', per se .. but Cartoon Network did see fit to trim this scene out of "Broadway, Baby!" a couple of weeks ago:

This silliness will likely air intact on the Teletoon broadcast, though..! :twisted:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » August 15th, 2010, 4:08 am

Think you've missed any of the Drama, thus far..? Think again!!


Cartoon Network will be airing a Total Drama World Tour marathon this afternoon (Sunday, August 15th) .. spanning the first nine episodes (minus the TDWT Aftermath).

:arrow: The Drama Plane takes-off at 3:00 PM EDT/PDT (check local listings, for other time zones).


This week's episode -- "Can't Help Falling in Louvre" -- was a pleasing mix of drama and silliness, with a rather enjoyable 'artfully-crafted' song sequence .. and punctuated by yet another 'unusual' elimination ceremony. :o

Tomorrow, the contestants jet to Chris McLean's home province of Newfoundland .. in "Newf Kids on the Rock."
Each time Lindsay has been eliminated, it seems grossly unfair. :(

In TDI, she was booted on the technicality of having placed 'second' (and therefore 'last'; since none of the other competitors finished the race). In TDA, she accidentally voted herself off, by pressing the wrong button during the elimination ceremony.

And here, in TDWT .. she was actually trying -- and DJ was slacking (albeit, on purpose). In fact, Lindsay came very close to winning the first challenge, all by herself .. until DJ screwed it up. :?

At the very least .. Lindsay is always cheerful, even in the act of leaving (although, her ultimate exit during the Drop of Shame seemed more like something Izzy would do).

Still, it's always sad to see my favorite character depart the show -- especially since this time, it may be the last we ever see of her (aside from her appearances on the next few Aftermaths); It seems the upcoming fourth season -- tentatively titled Total Drama: Re-Loaded -- will feature an 'all-new' cast of competitors. :!:


Sierra's mournful moping throughout the episode was both hilarious and somewhat touching. Too bad most of that was 'deflated' by her confessional at the end. It's unclear now how much of her sobbing and dejection was actually just 'pretend' .. :|

Loved the fact that she 'interacted' with famous paintings during the song sequence, though..! :) I'm still not 100% in-love with the 'musical' aspect of this season .. but when the songs are paired with clever visuals like the museum paintings here (or the 'pop-art look' in New York City), it's hard not to enjoy them, a little.
With this post .. I will likely end my 'wall-to-wall, blanket coverage' of each and every episode of Total Drama World Tour. I had hoped to spark some actual discussion about the show .. but it's become more than obvious over the past few weeks that I'm really only talking to myself, in here. :|

Rest assured that I will still bump this thread with TDWT news items (such as today's marathon!), and perhaps with a comment on 'landmark moments' of Drama, from time-to-time .. :mrgreen:

/droosan .. out

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Post by Daniel » August 21st, 2010, 6:21 pm

Yeah, I know I would like to discuss TDWT more, but I simply don't have the time, much less energy these days.

This weeks episode "Newf Kids on the Rock", was pretty enjoyable. Loved Heather's spelling of a certain word. Yay for CN not censoring it! One of the funniest and "risqué" pieces of dialog. Also liked the running gag with the three girls from Team Amazon blurting something out and then trying to get the tape out. "Give me that tape!" We also saw a glimpse of Ezekiel again!

"Pop Goes the Weasel". Ew Izzy! ;)

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » August 21st, 2010, 7:14 pm

A large number of upcoming episodes have been leaked online.

Essentially, new episodes have been airing Monday through Friday down in Australia and fans down there have been posting them (with the video images in mirror effect so they won't get taken down immediately).

We're at "Newf Kids on the Rock", but they've already aired:
- "Jamaica Me Sweat"
- "Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon"
- "I See London..."
- "Greece's Pieces"
- "The Ex-Files"
- "Picnic at Hanging Rock"
- "Sweden Sour"
- "Aftermath Aftermayhem"

Without spoiling anything, I have a mixture of interest and disinterest so far, but not to the degree that made me unhappy mostly with TDA. There are still situations present that are doing drama for the sake of drama. However, there are interesting developments that are rather fun to witness.

Really early Monday morning is when the next episode will be leaked online.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » August 21st, 2010, 11:59 pm

Lord Akiyama wrote:A large number of upcoming episodes have been leaked online.

Essentially, new episodes have been airing Monday through Friday down in Australia and fans down there have been posting them (with the video images in mirror effect so they won't get taken down immediately).

We're at "Newf Kids on the Rock", but they've already aired:
- "Jamaica Me Sweat"
- "Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon"
- "I See London..."
- "Greece's Pieces"
- "The Ex-Files"
- "Picnic at Hanging Rock"
- "Sweden Sour"
- "Aftermath Aftermayhem"

Without spoiling anything, I have a mixture of interest and disinterest so far, but not to the degree that made me unhappy mostly with TDA. There are still situations present that are doing drama for the sake of drama. However, there are interesting developments that are rather fun to witness.

Really early Monday morning is when the next episode will be leaked online.
.. and Canada hasn't even screened episode 2 of "Walk Like an Egyptian," yet..! The series will start airing weekly on Teletoon next month.

Cartoon Network and Teletoon had gone to great lengths during Total Drama Action to 'synchronize' their airdates .. supposedly, to avoid this exact (screwed-up) situation. :?

I'm not sure why ABC3 in Australia is airing Total Drama World Tour on a 'weekday' broadcast model; at 26 episodes, they'll barely get five weeks of airtime out of it. Unless, the show's been bundled with the two previous seasons..? Even then, they'd be blowing through the entire series every three months, or so (though .. come to think of it .. CN currently does this with Johnny Test and Chowder :roll: )


Call me 'old-fashioned' (and I know that I am ;) ) .. but I'm gonna stick with the CN broadcast schedule, to let the show unfold at its intended pace .. and (hopefully) remain 'unspoiled' as to who gets eliminated when, etc.

Though, this has already meant staying away from other Total Drama discussion forums, elsewhere online. Some folks just can't help finding out every last detail about the show (in some sort of misguided effort to be the 'first' to do so), and then bragging to everyone else that they know it (and oftentimes, proving that by 'blabbing' all those details in plain sight of casual readers) :o

And a lot of others just plain don't wanna 'wait' for the next episode. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :|


I agree that this season has a couple of sub-plots which seem (thus far, at least) to be 'drama for drama's sake'. I do still rather enjoy the show, though .. and, as I'd said in (a hidden portion of) my previous post: the upcoming fourth season of Total Drama should certainly be able to keep us guessing!

Looking forward to another 'double-dose' of Drama, this week: "Jamaica Me Sweat" airs at 9:00 PM on Monday .. and "TDWT Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon" will be released for purchase on iTunes.

or .. as Lord Akiyama notes .. both of these episodes (and more) are 'out there', right now. :twisted:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » August 22nd, 2010, 11:11 am

I'm generally old-fashioned myself and would normally wait. Unfortunately, I frequent the Total Drama Wiki and got smacked silly with the leaks. Which ended up being fine with me, as I noted regarding how I've been feeling with the season so far.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » August 25th, 2010, 9:59 pm

There was just a sudden wave of leaked episodes today, so now there's only three episodes left to air in Australia and it's hinted that they could all be aired within the week. :shock:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » August 26th, 2010, 2:15 am


Cake Entertainment and Fresh TV can't be very happy about that .. :?

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » September 1st, 2010, 10:50 pm

So the finale has aired.

Man... lots of questions left unanswered.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » September 2nd, 2010, 3:34 am

Even though I've done my best to avoid 'spoilers', I was dismayed to discover last week that an (otherwise good) online friend of mine had put the identities of TDWT's 'Final Two' in her e-mail signature. :?

Ahh, well. We're currently at the 'half-way mark' of the series' run on Cartoon Network .. and I still know very little else about what will happen on the show, over the coming weeks. Fortunately, Total Drama is more about the journey, than the destination. :)

But it's just as well that I'd abandoned my 'week-by-week' coverage, here. All anyone wants to talk about now (on the Total Drama forums/wiki, anyway) is the finale .. which won't be shown in the U.S. until late-November.

And, as I've noted a couple of times .. Teletoon has yet to begin airing the series, at all (though, it will be starting its run within a week) .. so Canada won't see a broadcast of the finale until next year.

But .. any viewer who is remotely internet-savvy can find the entire show online, if they so desire.
I dunno if this Australia 'situation' has directly affected the upcoming fourth season .. but word is that production on Total Drama: Reloaded has been trimmed to 13 episodes, instead of the standard 26. Though, it should be noted that (as yet) there's been no 'official' announcement from Fresh TV on this subject.
:arrow: To anyone who does want to discuss 'future developments' on the show: I do request that you use the {hide} bbcode button (as I just did, above).. so that said discussion can remain 'hidden' from those of us who prefer to watch the show play out on TV, rather than YT.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » September 2nd, 2010, 11:16 am

About the upcoming fourth season:
Christian Potenza (the voice of Chris McLean) has been dropping hints on his YouTube videos about the upcoming fourth season. It is suggested that the season is literally a whole new cast with none of the original coming back to compete, allegedly (Brian Froud, the voice of Harold, was featured in a clip, but it can be assumed he's just voicing a new character). The Total Drama Wiki has a cast sheet of the characters up at the moment. There's been talk about combing the two casts in the fifth season, but that's pure speculation right now.

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » November 3rd, 2010, 6:18 am

Have your cake, and eat it .. two!


This week gives us our final 'double dose' of Total Drama World Tour on Cartoon Network; episode 23 ("Awwwwww, Drumheller") airs on CN throughout the week .. while episode 24 ("TDWT Aftermath: Hawaiian Style") is available online; for purchase via iTunes, or free streaming via CN's website.

The 'final 3' contestants will face-off next week .. leading to the showdown between the 'final 2' in the season finale, the week after..! :mrgreen:


Even though the ultimate winner is widely-known, this time around (thanks to the series' accelerated Australian run) .. I've still very much enjoyed this season, overall.

The international flavor of the challenges, the dynamic tension seeded by the three new characters, and the focus on some lesser-used characters helped to keep things somewhat unpredictable .. though, the fact that Chris withheld the nature of several challenges until after the (psyche!) 'fake' elimination ceremonies did prove frustrating, at times.

One aspect which was not as entertaining (IMO) was the songs. I found only a few of 'em to be actually enjoyable in their own right .. for the most part, they proved to be overly 'lyricky' (for lack of a proper word); the melodies seemed to be a distant secondary -- even third-ary -- consideration. A few of them were accompanied by clever visual sequences, at least .. which did help set this season apart from TDI and TDA. Even so, I often found myself cringing along with the contestants, whenever the chime and music-note appeared onscreen. :?


As mentioned: Alejandro, Sierra and Blaineley gave this season a major boost. Their personalities have clashed with the existing TD characters' in very entertaining ways.

Blaineley remains my favorite of these three, even though she had the least screen-time; She kinda turned out to be a proxy 'Chris' that the cast could actually get the best of. :mrgreen:

Alejandro's quiet menace unfolded slowly throughout the season -- but he has proven to be a resourceful (and even somewhat likeable) 'dirty trickster'.

Sierra .. has been much more 'in-your-face' -- and has often come dangerously close to being a 'one-note' character, in terms of her Cody-obsession -- but I have to admit .. it's hard to dislike her (a fact which Cody seems to be slowly acknowledging).
I'm really gonna miss seeing all of these characters, next season. :cry: Though, there will be plenty of new ones to get to know..! 8)

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » November 4th, 2010, 4:03 pm

One of my favorite new characters from the season was Bruno. :mrgreen:

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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by droosan » November 4th, 2010, 7:27 pm

:?: Bruno's been 'around' -- with various names and roles -- since the first season:


But he is great fun .. :mrgreen:


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Re: Total Drama World Tour

Post by Dan » November 4th, 2010, 9:17 pm

It sounds like over-analysis, but Bruno is actually the third or fourth bear presented on the show. Bruno is different from the others primarily because of the different color of fur (gray as opposed to brown) as well as his being located in Siberia and having a bit of characterization. He's the self-appointed guardian of Bridgette who will smack any one who comes within three feet of her. XD

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