Sherlock (2010)

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video
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Sherlock (2010)

Post by Ben » November 30th, 2010, 6:39 pm

Can't believe I didn't bring this up before: one of my TV highlights of this year!

The contemporary re-telling of "Sherlock" appeared to come on the tails of the Guy Ritchie film but it actually predated it by around seven months, the difference being that the BBC then asked them to expand it from one 60 minute program to three 90 minute movies (that then came out after the movie).

Both the film and "Sherlock" go in different directions with the character, and both are enjoyable. "Sherlock", though, feels more than authentic given the new modern setting, which isn't at all as bad an idea as some people may think that sounds.

Anyway, anyone see this on Masterpiece in the US? One of my "occasional live-action" reviews, of Warner's new BD set (with surprisingly excellent extras including commentaries, that unaired pilot and a very decent half-hour documentary), is here: ... e-blu-ray/ :)

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