Walt Disney Animation Collection and other Special Editions!

Features, Shorts, Live-Action and Direct-To-Video
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Post by Ben » January 30th, 2009, 10:22 am

The original Witch Mountain films are about to get another re-release in a new line of Disney live-action movies (there's a new animation collection coming too).

There are currently three and three planned:

Live-Action: Escape To Witch Mountain
Live-Action: Return From Witch Mountain
Live-Action: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Animation: Mickey And The Beanstalk (which version isn't clear)
Animation: The Three Little Pigs
Animation: The Prince And The Pauper

These are all single-disc releases that do carry over some previous bonus features. The animated discs last around or just over an hour each, so they will likely have additional shorts or extras, unconfirmed.

The covers are quite "collectible"...with uniformed gray backgrounds that suggest a serious nature. However, it's not clear if these are collector based or just quickie reissues, since Leagues loses its second Vault Disney disc.

Just FYI! :)

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Post by Daniel » January 30th, 2009, 4:29 pm

According to UD, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea has been canceled, so strike off that one off the list. I'm sure that will get the treatment before the remake hits screens.

Here are the covers for the three live action films, under the header "Walt Disney Family Classics" - nice: 1, 2, 3. I like them! They look old fashion-y and similar to how VHS would do it. Finally the title is not in the middle!

As for the animated compilations, they're going under the header "Walt Disney Animation Collection: Classic Short Films", as you pointed out. Unfortunately, it looks like the Beanstalk disc will have the Bergen version... I know. I'm still hoping, though. Here are the covers: 1, 2, 3. Beautiful! If I didn't already own what was being issued, (don't feel the need for backups) I would buy these up. As it is, I'm going to take a "wait and see" approach. Not so much for the content, though that's a priority, but what will be free. See, the animated ones are coming with "vibrant foil slipcover" (not what I care about) AND a lithograph!! I could always go for those, providing it's based on someone I like and if they are small; similar to how the Hanna Barbara ones are offered in some of their sets. Volume 2, the one with the 3 Little Pigs on the cover, features "Lambert the Sheepish Lion". One of my favorite animated shorts! If that's the litho, no questions asked, instant purchase! But I doubt it, the litho's will probably be based on the main feature, as in cover. One can always hope...!

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Post by EricJ » January 30th, 2009, 8:03 pm

Daniel wrote:Unfortunately, it looks like the Beanstalk disc will have the Bergen version... I know. I'm still hoping, though.
Whaddya mean, "unfortunately"?? :evil:
Unless you misprinted "Unfortunately, it looks like it'll be the isolated out-of-context Ludwig Von Drake solo reissue, since the disks will be from library shorts."

(We have kids in the house who have become hooked on listening to EB&CMcC on car trip old-radio CD's, who have never seen the live-action version and don't get the "wooden" jokes about Charlie, and we're still wondering when to show Fun & Fancy Free or the Alice special...
But the "Charlie heckles Edgar's stories" shtick is already recognized as a favorite standby of the show.)

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Post by Ben » January 30th, 2009, 9:48 pm

Eric...I'm going to have to take issue with you on your tone recently...cut back on the "harshisms", pal. Thanks.

In this case, I do actually agree with Dan too...the Bergen version of Mickey & The Beanstalk has had two releases on DVD: in its original configuration on the Fun And Fancy Free disc, which features a decent print and nice extras taken from the LaserDisc and which is sure to be reissued soon-ish anyway, and then again the entire segment (essentially the second half of the feature) popped up again on the Mickey Mouse In Living Color Vol 2 set in the Walt Disney Treasures.

So fans and even casual buyers will already have this "original" version on disc...if you count my LD I have it three times!

There were two other versions: a very rarely seen Sterling Holloway narrated featurette edition, from the late 40s or early 50s, which I know for a fact was released on 16mm and 8mm because I saw it in a Walt Disney Home Movies catalog and wished to heck I'd bought it way back when, and then the later 1963 Wonderful World Of Color version that played on television. This is the one that reinstated the full edition of the story but replaced the Bergen inserts with newly animated Ludwig Von Drake (and Herman!) scenes.

Since the Bergen version is already out - twice - and probably due for another with a return to Fun And Fancy Free, I think we real fans were hoping to see one of the other versions. Myself, I have the Von Drake edition on LD, but would dearly like to see the Holloway narrated short (which ran a 400' reel, so would have been around 15 minutes long).

So...Eric, very valid reasons for Dan to be disappointed, and no need to come back with such an aggressive comment: in fact I had to read your post a few times before your anger subsided and it made sense to me.

Everyone has an opinion...play nice.

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Post by EricJ » January 30th, 2009, 10:54 pm

Ben wrote:Eric...I'm going to have to take issue with you on your tone recently...cut back on the "harshisms", pal. Thanks.
(Kidding, kidding!)
In this case, I do actually agree with Dan too...the Bergen version of Mickey & The Beanstalk has had two releases on DVD: in its original configuration on the Fun And Fancy Free disc, which features a decent print and nice extras taken from the LaserDisc and which is sure to be reissued soon-ish anyway, and then again the entire segment (essentially the second half of the feature) popped up again on the Mickey Mouse In Living Color Vol 2 set in the Walt Disney Treasures.
Don't think I'd ever seen the Bergen version outside of F&FF more than once (and that on the old 70's Mickey Mouse Club), so I assumed the LVD version was permanently used as default so as to keep syndicated reissues "in-house" rather than pay out nasty old royalties.

But since most of the re-arranged anthologies seem to be taken from Disney Treasures sets (I'm guessing "Chicken Little" was taken from the WWII set, 3LP from the Silly Symphonies set, and "Lambert" from the Rarities), that puts a point in favor of Bergen's from MMILCv2--
They just don't like remastering things twice. :)

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Post by Daniel » April 3rd, 2009, 8:53 pm

Here's a review for Volume 1: Mickey and the Beanstalk and the the included version is... the Ludwig von Drake one!! YAY! Nothing wrong with the Bergain version, actually I think I prefer it a bit more seeing as it was the first version I was exposed to, but about time the Duck gets some love! ;)

Yep, definitely going to buy it just for that. With future Volumes, I'll judge on a disc by disc basis... I really don't want cartoons I already own from the Treasures or other compilations.

Here's the list of shorts from Volumes 4-6 and their respective cover arts!:

Tortoise & The Hare - "The Tortoise and the Hare", "The Saga of Windwagon Smith", "Babes in the Woods", "The Goddess of Spring" "Toby Tortoise Returns" "Paul Bunyan"

Wind in the Willows - The Wind in the Willows" "The Ugly Duckling", "Grasshopper and the Ants", "The Golden Touch", "The Robber Kitten", "The Wise Little Hen"

The Reluctant Dragon - The Reluctant Dragon", "Ferdinand the Bull", "Johnny Appleseed", "Goliath II".

I really can't see the merit of owning only the Reluctant Dragon short, sans the live action parts. I mean, I like the short, (love the character more) but I personally enjoy the live action stuff more. They complement each other too. I remember buying and watching it without any information beforehand - expect for what was on the case - and enjoying the ride and seeing and learning so much. Good little movie and the Treasure it resides on is one of my favorites.

Disney so needs to have a future Volume, if they continue, with Johnny Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet, The Little House and Susie the Little Coupe! Those are my favorite shorts and to have them all in one disc would be nice, not to mention convenieant... in that case, for me, it would be a worthy a double-dip.

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